2025/26 Events Calendar

Pangbourne and Whitchurch Sustainability

2025-25 Calendar

When What  Where
Tuesday 25th February


 ARK Meeting James Hubbard along with a range of speakers will be discussing WQ testing, the Sulham wetland creation, water vole surveying, riverfly monitoring and more!
Advanced booking through Eventbrite essential, click on this link.
Pangbourne Village Hall
Thursday 13th March

8pm – 10pm

Insect friendly Gardens with the garden experts Emily Williamson and Mel Uglow.

Can we do Wildlife/Bee friendly gardening better? Find out how to solve the slug issue, bring the birds in and not reach for nasty sprays.

Pangbourne Village Hall


Saturday 5th April West Berks Green Exchange, Green Fest

(more details to follow)

St Bartholomew’s School, Newbury
Sunday 27th April

10.00 – 12.00 noon

Pangbourne Parish Litter picking, supported by PAWS. Bags, gloves, and pickers available, please report to the registration desk Chiltern Way, (near the Asda Petrol Station)


Thursday 22nd May

8pm – 10pm




Pangbourne Village Hall


Thursday 29th May

6pm – 7.30pm

Cattle and Nature: James Norman will lead a gentle walk around his field to explain natural cattle rearing: see how an organic, pasture-fed suckler herd works with nature in the Chiltern Hills.


James fields.

(More information nearer the time.)

Saturday 14th June

10.00 – 5.00


Pangbourne Fete Recycling bins and a stall

Need Volunteers

Pangbourne Recreation ground
Sunday 22nd June

2.00 – 4.00 pm


Join with WoTHabs for a Meadow Biodiversity Walk

led by James Norman


Meet at the field entrance on the left-hand side of Sheepwash Lane, Hardwick Estate



MPs     ?

(More details to follow)

Sunday 21st September

2pm – 4pm


Apple Pressing Day Whitchurch Maze

Muddy Lane

Whitchurch on Thames

Saturday ? October

8pm – 11pm


Barn Dance

(more details to follow)

Pangbourne Village Hall


Sunday 12th October

10.00 – 12 noon

Pangbourne Litter Picking

Please report to the registration desk

Chiltern Way, (near the Asda petrol station)



Thursday 20th November

8pm – 10pm


Film Night

(more details to follow)


Pangbourne Village Hall


Thursday 11th December

8pm – 10pm


Christmas Gathering Pangbourne Village Hall


Thursday 15 January 2026

8pm – 10pm

PAWS 2026 Planning Meeting



Pangbourne Village Hall




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