Pangbourne and Whitchurch Sustainability
2025-25 Calendar
When | What | Where | |
Tuesday 25th February
6.30-8.30pm |
ARK Meeting James Hubbard along with a range of speakers will be discussing WQ testing, the Sulham wetland creation, water vole surveying, riverfly monitoring and more! Advanced booking through Eventbrite essential, click on this link. |
Pangbourne Village Hall | |
Thursday 13th March
8pm – 10pm |
Insect friendly Gardens with the garden experts Emily Williamson and Mel Uglow.
Can we do Wildlife/Bee friendly gardening better? Find out how to solve the slug issue, bring the birds in and not reach for nasty sprays. |
Pangbourne Village Hall
Saturday 5th April | West Berks Green Exchange, Green Fest
(more details to follow) |
St Bartholomew’s School, Newbury | |
Sunday 27th April
10.00 – 12.00 noon |
Pangbourne Parish Litter picking, supported by PAWS. Bags, gloves, and pickers available, please report to the registration desk | Chiltern Way, (near the Asda Petrol Station)
Thursday 22nd May
8pm – 10pm
Pangbourne Village Hall
Thursday 29th May
6pm – 7.30pm |
Cattle and Nature: James Norman will lead a gentle walk around his field to explain natural cattle rearing: see how an organic, pasture-fed suckler herd works with nature in the Chiltern Hills.
James fields.
(More information nearer the time.) |
Saturday 14th June
10.00 – 5.00
Pangbourne Fete Recycling bins and a stall
Need Volunteers |
Pangbourne Recreation ground | |
Sunday 22nd June
2.00 – 4.00 pm
Join with WoTHabs for a Meadow Biodiversity Walk
led by James Norman
Meet at the field entrance on the left-hand side of Sheepwash Lane, Hardwick Estate | |
MPs ?
(More details to follow) |
TBC | |
Sunday 21st September
2pm – 4pm
Apple Pressing Day | Whitchurch Maze
Muddy Lane Whitchurch on Thames |
Saturday ? October
8pm – 11pm
Barn Dance
(more details to follow) |
Pangbourne Village Hall
Sunday 12th October
10.00 – 12 noon |
Pangbourne Litter Picking
Please report to the registration desk |
Chiltern Way, (near the Asda petrol station)
Thursday 20th November
8pm – 10pm
Film Night
(more details to follow)
Pangbourne Village Hall
Thursday 11th December
8pm – 10pm
Christmas Gathering | Pangbourne Village Hall
Thursday 15 January 2026
8pm – 10pm |
PAWS 2026 Planning Meeting
Pangbourne Village Hall